MoreIchatEffects 2.0.2

The release 2.0.2 includes a script that switches automaticaly iChat and Photobooth in 32 bits mode.
When all bugs with SnowLeopard in 64 bits will be fixed, I will publish a new version.

I have added a new folder in /Applications/Utilities/MoreIchatEffects with an uninstaller and a link to the website too.

It seems that my tips to swtich automaticaly iChat and Photobooth in 32 bit mode doesn't work in all mac...
If iChat and Photobooth still crash, enable the 32 bit mode manualy. Select the icon of iChat and Photobooth, make a Command+i (or with a right click Get Info).
In the Info window, check the box "Open in 32 bit mode". It works now.

Download MoreIchatEffects 2.0.2